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Anti-Racist Work

Oregon Standoff

by Judy Helfand The “Oregon Standoff” seems to me a blatant illustration of the white supremacist foundations of the U.S. I wake up every morning incredulous that it’s still going on. That law enforcement allows the occupiers supporters to come and go, bringing supplies, setting up “perimeter reinforcements,” talking with …

My First Copwatch

Anonymous Here is an account of a recent Copwatching incident—my first ever, and totally unplanned —in Sonoma County: how it happened I was in transit; a friend was dropping me off in Petaluma when we saw a cop car pulled over/parked on the street, unusual in this well-off neighborhood. As …

White Wash

by Wendy-O Matik While sleep escapes her, she lists her confessions. I was conceived in part because of race this was 1966 I was delivered in a white-walled hospital on white bed sheets beside the spirit of thousands of white babies before me amidst white doctors and white nurses while …

Smashed Up

This article first appeared on the East Bay Solidarity Network site. Thanks to Solidarity members for permission to republish. Young service workers on the sanctity of small business. It was the first Friday of December, which in Oakland usually means hoards of people descending onto Telegraph Avenue for the monthly …