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by Z

The Black Father in My Life by Z

In 1978, a single white mother living in San Francisco with her biracial daughter, meets and eventually creates a family with Jamal, a black male music student and single father. Despite stereotypes, their relationship blossomed into a loving, enduring marriage, raising their children and later enjoying their grandchildren together. This story challenges common stereotypes and calls attention to the potential of black fathers unjustly incarcerated.

The Joy of Hope

By Z Ah — December — that wonderful month when the world softens — hearts fill with warmth and the world chills for a moment. I love watching my old films favorites – A Christmas Carol with Alistair Sims and It’s a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart. Now, how white …

Unitarian Universalists: Inner Workings

by Z In June there was electricity in the air; change was just around the corner.  The non-white members of the Unitarian Universalist Association (Unitarians) were pressing for more visibility as a group and accountability from the white members at the upcoming General Assembly. My friend Laura was beside herself …