Police Harassment of Andy Lopez Protestors
[Most information from the media committee of the Justice for Andy Lopez Coalition Many of these incidents are documented in video.]
Protest leaders Ramon Cairo, Louie Godoy and other members of the activist group, Andy’s Youth, have been targets of bullying and intimidation by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department. Ramon and Louie, not only have been charged with felonies after incidents with the sheriffs, but also have had midnight visits by teams of deputies. Louie Godoy is facing bogus charges from three of these incidents. In addition, a group of young protestors was detained in handcuffs for three hours. This show of police force and the attempt to intimidate is unprecedented in recent Santa Rosa protest history. It is racist. Adrienne Lauby adrienne@sonic.net
Oct. 22 - Andy Lopez shot dead
The First Month – More then 25 meetings, marches and other public events were held in response to the shooting.
Nov. 26 – March for Justice for Andy Lopez, organized by Andy’s Youth. Mass ticketing of protestors. David Douglass was arrested and several people were cuffed.
Dec .10 – Stop Gelhaus! Demonstration at City Council meeting after Erick Gelhaus who shot Andy Lopez returns to work. 56 crosses carried to show 56 deaths at the hands of Sonoma County law enforcement since 2000. Youth leader, Ramon Cairo is arrested for false charges of assault. Protestors march to Santa Rosa Police Dept. and then the Sonoma County jail to demand the release of Ramon. Police warn protestors it is an “unlawful assembly and they must leave the premises,” so protestors march to Sheriff’s Dept. where youth organizer Louie Godoy is arrested for “trying to cross the barrier.”
Jan 8 – Harassment at Ramon Cairo’s Court Hearing: Ten or more Sheriff’s deputies appear to intimidate Ramon and his supporters. While inside the courtroom, Carla, a Ramon supporter was repeatedly harassed by sheriff’s deputies, told to “move” her walker out of the handicap area. When Jose Godoy made a comment about Lupton not assisting Carla, Jose was physically pushed out of the courtroom and repeatedly pushed by Deputy Lupton as he walked down the courthouse stairs. Outside the security gates, Deputy Lupton taunted Jose by calling him a “little kid.”
Jan 9 – (morning) Harassment at the Godoy court appearance. At the Courthouse entrance 10 law enforcement officials are present. Prior to entering the hearing, Deputy Lupton says to another officer, “there he is in the red shirt,” referring to Jose.
Mr Godoy drove up to the courthouse steps to pick up the young people. Attorney Alicia saw Lupton and other deputies observing Jose’s Suburban with its two “Justice for Andy” bumper stickers in the back. Deputy Mana called Lisbeth out by name and said, “I’ll see you later Lisbeth.”
Jan 9 – (afternoon) Andy’s Youth detained by deputies at gunpoint and cuffed for three hours. The youth were preparing to make Rummage Sale signs raise funds for their group. At approximately 5:40 pm. four members (ages 15-17) are ordered to put their hands up and lay on the street by deputies with drawn guns. They are handcuffed and detained for three hours. The show of force included a helicopter, two cars and several dozen deputies including Deputy Lupton who had harassed people at the court hearings. Neighbors and parents faced pointed guns as they were ordered to “stay back.”

Memorial for Andy Lopez created by the S.W. Santa Rosa Community. Site of two Rummage Sales, one of which the Andy’s Group was preparing for on Jan 9.
The youth pleaded with deputies to stop choking Mr Godoy as he struggles to catch his breath. Deputies said they were “looking for a dead body in the car.” The youth were photographed and told they were now on “gang terms.” A 13 year old boy was forced to take a breathalyzer test. One of the young women was forced to lie on her stomach although deputies were told she was pregnant. When an attorney arrived on the scene, she was told the Suburban was involved with a “brandishing incident with a handgun,” but the officers ignored her requests to produce the gun.
The weapon turned out to be a staple gun. Louie Godoy is arrested again, this time for the false allegation of “brandishing a weapon.” The next day, the youth had red and bruised wrists from the tight handcuffs. They needed medication and ice packs for pain to wrists, neck, chest, and back. http://youtu.be/lFKkaxQhd9g
Jan 10-11 – At midnight, three deputies appear at Jose Godoy’s house, saying they were there to talk about alleged death threats to Supervisor Rabbit at the Jan 7 Board of Supervisors meeting. Immediately afterward, these deputies pay a similar visit to Ramon Cairo’s house. The deputies are Brandon Cutting and Brandon Austin with Detective Jeff Tony.
Jan 20 – The Justice for Andy Lopez Coalition and Andy’s Youth join annual Santa Rosa Martin Luther King March. Two of the young women detained on Jan 10, need wheelchairs to join the march due to that incident.
Jan 24 – Police follow Louie Godoy to his home and surround him with multiple police cars. Saying they were investigating a robbery three days earlier, an officer begins throwing Louie around. Louie is charged with obstructing an officer and violation of probation. (He is on this probation for his previous arrest with Andy’s Youth.)
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