Dialog on Immigrant Rights Report Back

Be the Resistance: White people Showing up for Immigrant Rights
March 15 dialog

Opening:  Talked in pairs about what we would have to put in place to take care of things if we suddenly were removed from our family. Communal responses were:

  1. Get kids’ passports, sign guardianship documents
  2. Find a way to manage the fear
  3. One person made the point that instead of being at the Dialogue, we would have to be at workshops that help with how to sign legal documents (Comité Vida had a meeting to help immigrants on this matter at the same time as RJA) To reach Comité Vida:
    1. https://www.facebook.com/Comit%C3%A9-VIDA-854987867908421/
    2. http://vidaslegal.org/

Community Action Coalition– Discussed creation of rapid response network and the different groups that are involved in this process. If you are interested in receiving updates and/or being a part of the response network, please contact CAC at: cac4sonoma@gmail.com

Graton Day Labor Center– Discussed the programs they have, the fear of the workers, and how people can help GDLC right now by making a financial contribution.
Graton Day Labor,  2981 Bowen St, Graton, CA 95444;  (707) 829-1864

Of One Soul– They are building a network of people who are willing to respond to any sort of discriminatory action and creating affinity groups. They meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 4:30-6 at 2000 Humboldt St.

Non-Violence Training Collective– Discussed some of the central tenets of non-violence training. They currently have 3 trainings coming up, if you are interested in signing up go here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYamuibDHftYw5v4EbLA5tBQNz8qShEmIY8inC1D4HTPzyaw/viewform?c=0&w=1

Or contact: soconvtc@gmail.com

After the presentations the group brainstormed examples in history where the moral has been “we can never let this happen again.” For example:

  • Exile of Acadians
  • The US turning away Jews fleeing from the Holocaust
  • Japanese Internments
  • Union busting
  • Jim Crow legislation

Group Activity:  Small groups of 5-6 discussed:

  1. Working through immobilization.
    1. What fears impede or immobilize you from standing up (racial bias)?
    2. Is it perceived fear? Active threat fear?
  2. Empowering yourself to show up.
    1. What would it take for you to commit to show up or take action?
    2. What do you need to do for yourself so that you will show up?

In the bigger group people reported discussing things like: distinguishing between perceived versus real fear/threats, the need to be humble, not having enough courage, fear of conflict, immobilized by shock, fear of harming one’s life trajectory, and fear of ineffectiveness.

Community Questions Written up for RJA to Answer Later

  1. Does anyone here have knowledge of deportation actions in Southern California?


  1. Let’s make micro-aggressions a topic for future dialogue.
    Thank you for your suggestion!
  1. Why was this gathering ONLY FOR WHITES? Shouldn’t all peoples be welcome?
    Racial Justice Allies mission statement: Our mission is to create a space where white people explore and take responsibility for racism and white privilege, develop anti-racist identities and practices, and work as allies for racial justice.

All people are welcome, our focus is the statement above.


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